Coastal marine ecosystems are strongly impacted by changes in ocean circulation and stratification, which lead to the geographic redistribution of available nutrients and oxygen and, in turn, marine species (Capotondi, Jacox, et al., 2019;Doney et al., 2012). Therefore, skillful prediction of coastal ocean conditions is increasingly needed for marine resource management (Jacox et al., 2020). In fact, within the Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs), relatively large coastal zones where primary productivity is higher than in the open ocean, sea surface temperature (SST) hindcast skill from the numerical models of the North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME; Kirtman et al., 2014) is large enough to be potentially useful (Hervieux et al., 2019;Stock et al., 2015). Recently, in a comprehensive review of seasonal-to-interannual prediction methods and their skill within North American coastal marine ecosystems, Jacox et al. (2020) suggested not only that prediction skill may be maximized via a hybrid statistical-numerical prediction approach, but also that statistical prediction alone could be competitive with numerical prediction.This study explores North American coastal forecast skill using a global Linear Inverse Model (LIM; Penland & Sardeshmukh, 1995; hereafter PS95). The LIM is an empirical dynamical model that may diagnose potential spatiotemporal variations of skill, since its forecasts are often competitive with numerical model forecasts. For example, Newman and Sardeshmukh (2017; hereafter NS17) showed that a tropical LIM had similar tropical Indo-Pacific SST skill to the grand ensemble mean of the NMME operational models and that the LIM itself largely predicted the spatial and temporal skill variations of both models. LIMs have been constructed for other regions, including the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean basins (