Entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, the challenges and problems faced by the world of education worldwide are increasingly complex and complicated. One of these problems is the level of the moral degradation of students, which is increasingly worrying. This research is part of research and development that focuses on the needs analysis, module design, and product validation stages. This study aimed to produce a learning product in the form of a social piety guidance module to reduce the moral degradation of high school students. This research was conducted at SMKN 3 Sinjai, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, by involving three counselling teachers and 15 students in the initial study phase and two experts in the validation phase. Data were collected using several data collection techniques such as (a) interviews, (b) observation, and (c) module validation sheets. The results showed that it turns out that a social piety guidance module is needed at the high school level to reduce the level of the moral degradation of students, which is then designed to be a module. From the validation test, information is obtained that the social piety guidance module is proven valid based on experts' judgment with a cumulative average score of 3.53. Thus, after this module is proven valid, it is recommended that it be tested on users, namely teachers and students.