Using quadrupole scan measurements we show laser-wakefield accelerated electrons to have a normalized transverse emittance of 0:21 þ0:01 À0:02 mm mrad at 245 MeV. We demonstrate a multishot and a single-shot method, the mean emittance values for both methods agree well. A simple model of the beam dynamics in the plasma density downramp at the accelerator exit matches the source size and divergence values inferred from the measurement. In the energy range of 245 to 300 MeV the normalized emittance remains constant.Laser-wakefield acceleration (LWFA) [1,2] can deliver ultrarelativistic electron beams in a compact setup with unique features [3][4][5][6]. It is receiving particular attention as a source or driver for ultrashort x-ray beams [7,8] and for its potential for realizing a tabletop free-electron laser (FEL) [9]. The electron bunch duration has recently been measured to be only a few femtoseconds long [10,11] which results in peak beam currents on the order of kiloamperes. An essential parameter for the performance of x-ray sources, FELs, or linear colliders is the transverse electron beam emittance. Previous emittance measurements of LWFA electron beams have used the pepperpot method [12][13][14] giving normalized emittances of $2:2 mm mrad with single shots down to the resolution limit of 1:1 mm mrad. As these measurements are not spectrally resolved, they rely on a low energy spread to give a meaningful normalized emittance. For LWFA beams which fluctuate in energy and energy spread, a simultaneous measurement of the spectrum is required. This technique is also limited to electron energies that can be sufficiently scattered by the pepper-pot mask; to date, measurements of a 508 MeV beam have been carried out [15]. Experiments characterizing the betatron radiation emitted by the electron beam while it is in the plasma suggest the beam size there to be & 1 m [16,17], which in combination with a divergence measurement give an estimated emittance of <0:5 mm mrad [18]. However, inferring the emittance from the electron beam size in the plasma and its downstream divergence in the vacuum can be unreliable as this neglects the plasma-vacuum density transition at the accelerator exit; here the decreasing strength of the plasma focusing forces result in an increase in beam size and decrease in divergence [13]. This publication reports on direct measurements of the emittance of LWFA electrons that are both energy resolved and that include the beam transport of the density downramp at the accelerator exit. This is achieved by analyzing their beam size around a focus using a quadrupole lens scan method [19].The transverse phase space of an electron beam is often specified using the Twiss parameters , , , and the natural emittance ". These parameters describe the volume and orientation of the particle distribution in phase space. The beam size at a particular position ðs 1 Þ is related to the Twiss parameters at s 0 by [20] ðs 1 Þ 2 ¼ M 2 11 ðs 0 Þ À2M 11 M 12 ðs 0 Þþ M 2 12 ðs 0 Þ: (1)Here M ij refers to the ij eleme...