Raman microprobe spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and wet chemical methods of analysis were successfully used to determine the effects of high-pH environments on zinc phosphate conversion coatings. The more rapid dissolution of phosphate ions from the phosphate coating was pH dependent. At a pH of 12.5, phosphate ions were more rapidly dissolved from the phosphate coating while at 11.5 and 13.5 pH, zinc ions were more rapidly dissolved from the coating. Raman spectra confirmed the more rapid dissolution of the phosphate ions was a result of zinc oxide formation on the surface of the original phosphate conversion coating. The cation of the alkaline environment also proved to be an important factor in the dissolution of the phosphate conversion coating. Sodium hydroxide dissolved the phosphate coating at the greatest rate followed by hydroxides of potassium, cesium, and lithium. This cation dependence was related to the number of precipitation products formed in the different alkaline solutions.
AbstractAccelerated electrochemical techniques were used to study the corrosion of carbon steel in laboratory-simulated aqueous environments representing typical produced waters from natural gas production wells. Specifically, the separate and conjoint effects of the various ionic species in the electrolyte, and the influences of dissolved methane and propane on corrosion of the steel were investigated. Tests were performed at temperatures and pressures up to 95 C and 700 kPa, respectively. Some kinetic parameters were evaluated from both anodic and cathodic polarization measurements. The results showed that the reduction of H ZO and HCO3 -ions is important in explaining the cathodic polarization characteristics. The partial reactions occurring in the system were defined and explained, in part, from theoretical reconstruction of the experimental polarization curves.