Finsler geometry naturally appears in the description of various physical systems. In this review I divide the emergence of Finsler geometry in physics into three categories: as dual description of dispersion relations, as most general geometric clock and as geometry being compatible with the relevant Ehlers-Pirani-Schild axioms. As Finsler geometry is a straightforward generalisation of Riemannian geometry there are many attempts to use it as generalized geometry of spacetime in physics. However, this generalisation is subtle due to the existence of non-trivial null directions. I review how a pseudo-Finsler spacetime geometry can be defined such that it provides a precise notion of causal curves, observers and their measurements as well as a gravitational field equation determining the Finslerian spacetime geometry dynamically. The construction of such Finsler spacetimes lays they foundation for comparing their predictions with observations, in astrophysics as well as in laboratory experiments. *