INTRODUCTIONThe palate forms the roof of the mouth and floor of nasal cavities. It is divisible into two regions namely the hard palate in front and soft palate behind. The hard palate is formed by the palatine process of the maxilla and the horizontal plates of palatine bones united by cruciform sutures.
1The knowledge of morphology of hard palate is important as it plays a major role in the passive articulation of speech.2 Restricted development of hard palate is one of the cause for a condition known as sleep apnoea syndrome which is characterized by difficulty in breathing while sleeping.
3Procedures such as nasopharyngoscopy and nasogastric intubation will need a precise knowledge of normal structure and dimensions of these regions for meticulous manipulation and better designing of instruments. 4 Hence the present study was performed to determine the palatine length, breadth, height, and palatine index and palatine height index. These data will be useful to surgeons, clinicians, anatomists and anthropologists.
METHODS65 adult skulls of unknown sex were procured from the department of anatomy, MVJMC & RH. With the help of ABSTRACT Background: The hard palate is an essential part of human skull, the detailed knowledge of which plays an important role in the passive articulation of speech. Methods: The present study was conducted on 65 dry skulls from the department of anatomy, MVJMC & RH, Bangalore. With vernier caliper, palatine length, palatine breadth and heights were measured. Palatine index and palatine height index were calculated. Results: Mean palatine length was 48.47 ± 4.66 mm. Mean palatine breadth was 36 ± 4.41 mm and height was 8.62 ± 2.76 mm. According to the palatine index range, 66% of the hard palate belongs to leptostaphyline, 18.5% belongs to mesostaphyline and 15. 5% was brachystaphyline. As per palatine height index, 72.3% of hard palate showed chamestaphyline followed by 26.1% orthostaphyline and 1.6% hypistaphyline. Conclusions: These observations can be utilised for ethnic and racial classification of crania, anthropological studies, fabricating complete maxillary dentures for edentulous patients and performing certain surgical procedures in hard palate & soft palate.