Following the processing of the grapes to obtain the finished product, a series of by-products and waste can be recovered (bunch, pomace, tartar, etc.), and through their processing, good protection of the environment is also ensured. An increasingly interesting and up-to-date segment is the study and capitalization of wine by-products, due to the fact that the wine by-products (pomace, grape seeds) have a complex biochemical composition, being noted for their content in mineral elements, fibre, vitamin C and phenolic compounds (tannins, phenolic acids, anthocyanins and resveratrol).The complex capitalization of wine byproducts is determined by their high weight (between 18-20 % of the quantity of grapes processed, and the byproduct with the highest weight is pomace), also of the substances they contain, being useful to different industries (food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, etc.). The paper presents an analysis of representative technologies for the superior capitalisation of the wine by-products and of the technical equipment underlying them, together with some relevant theoretical aspects regarding the separation process of grape seeds that were the basis for design and realization of the technical equipment for separating grape seeds from pomace ESSS. This equipment performs the separation of the fractions by combining the principle of separation on flat sieves with oscillatory movement by thickness, with the separation in air flows according to the floating velocity of the fractions, ensuring a high purity of grape seeds for further processing. Also, in the feeding process the material is subjected to a process of crushing and decompaction thus substantially facilitating the separation of grape seeds from pomace. At the end of the paper, the advantages of using the innovative technology for the recovery of byproducts from viticulture and the technical equipment for separating grape seeds from pomace ESSS are presented.