Latinos/Hispanics are the largest and fastest growing ethnic minority group in the United States. By mid-century, older Hispanics may account for almost 20% of the older cohort. Yet while health disparities have garnered increased attention, little is known about older Hispanics and their overall health, social, and economic needs. This article presents an innovative Ethnocultural Gerontological Nursing Model that can serve as an overarching framework for exploring various salient macro- and micro-level factors that affect the lives of Latino elders, their families, and the communities that support them. By utilizing a life span perspective, the Ethnocultural Gerontological Nursing Model and attached questionnaire can assist nurses and other health providers in gaining a fuller assessment of older Latinos in order that we may improve our understanding and development of health service, program, and policy changes that address the needs of older Latinos and the nurses who care for them and their families.