ABSTRACT… Background: The incidence of maxillofacial fractures is greater in Pakistan. This research has the crucial aim of achieve and indexing maxillofacial injuries in poly trauma patients. Objectives: To assess the concomitant injuries with maxillofacial trauma. Study Design: Descriptive case series. Setting: The department of Emergency and Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, Jamshoro. Period: Jan 2014 to Dec 2015. Methods: Total 489 patients of both genders, aged ≥20 years were included. Results: more injuries 359 (73.40%) occurs among the age of 20-39 years. The mainly documented etiologic factor for injury was RTA with 69.38%, followed by assault (16.76%), fall (11.04%) and sports injury was (2.87%). With respect to related injuries, a sum of 48 patients introduced head injuries and other concomitant injuries. The most common fracture noted was mandible 296 (60.53) followed by maxillary fractures 191 (39%), Zygomatic bone complex fractures 65 (13.29%), Naso-orabital ethmoid fractures was 44 (8.99%), majority of patients 186 (38.0%) were arrived in morning time followed by 176 (35.9%) in evening, 88 (17.9%) in afternoon and 39 (7.9%) in night, regarding the day's most patients came on first working day that was Saturday 142 (29.0%). Regarding hospital mortality, 11 (2.2%) people died within less than two days after admittance. Conclusion: The results of this study may support the oral surgeons to rule out other injuries at the time of primary survey and may have a key role in awareness of individuals in prevention of road traffic accidents.