Introduction. Parkinson’s disease cannot be well treated by conventional medication. Acupuncture and Tai Chi are proven to be effective in relieving symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Traditional Chinese medicine exercises may prove to be an effective complementary therapy. Objective. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of conduction exercise and self-acupressure in treating Parkinson’s disease. Method. This study is an accessor- and data analyzer-blind, add-on, randomized, controlled, pilot clinical study. In the treatment group, they were taught to practice conduction exercise and self-acupressure for 8 weeks. No additional treatment was given in the control group. Assessments were done at week 4 and week 8 of the treatment period. The primary outcomes are the total score and domain scores of the Chinese version of 39-item Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire. The secondary outcomes are the total score and domain scores of a custom-designed questionnaire, which is a short form of Nonmotor Symptom Scale. Results. 22 patients in the treatment group and 14 in the control group continued to the treatment phase. Patients in the treatment group displayed improvement trends in primary and secondary outcomes. Improvements were significant in two areas of a custom-designed questionnaire: total score (p=0.014) and domain score of gastrointestinal tract (p=0.004). No severe adverse events were reported. Conclusion. Conduction exercise and self-acupressure were well accepted by and feasible for Parkinson’s disease patients. The data generated can be used for the planning of future studies. The exercise regime can be promoted as a home-based, self-practice therapy for Parkinson’s disease patients, due to its safety, low cost, and convenience in implementation. This study is registered with the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (ChiCTR-IPR-17011987, on 14 July 2017).