antarcticus lonnbergi from South Georgia were analysed in two winters, a decade apart, to 25 examine the degree of consistency in migration strategies and habitat preferences during the 26 non-breeding and pre-laying exodus periods. Oceanographic habitat preferences of tracked 27 skuas were determined using a robust model accounting for availability. At the population 28 level, brown skuas were broadly consistent in their choice of wintering areas and habitat 29 preferences, although the distribution extended further east in 2012 than in 2002. Skuas 30 preferred areas associated with static oceanography (bathymetric features) both during the 31 non-breeding and pre-laying periods, which may explain the consistency between years in 32 habitat use. There was no significant effect of year on departure dates from South Georgia, 33 but birds returned earlier to the colony in 2002. Migration schedules varied according to 34 breeding status, with failed birds departing earlier than birds that bred successfully. Although 35 failed birds travelled further from the colony, there was little variation in dates of return. In 36 general the timing of movements was similar between sexes, but females were more likely 37 than males to engage in a pre-laying exodus. Brown skuas spent a much higher proportion 38 of time sitting on the water than other seabirds during both the non-breeding and pre-laying Seabirds spend most of their lives at sea, only returning to land to breed. Understanding the 55 factors that influence their marine distribution and habitat preferences is therefore essential 56 for mitigating threats at sea, including the establishment of an effective, evolving network of 57 protected areas that will safeguard against future biodiversity loss (Block et al. 2011, 58 Frederiksen et al. 2012. The open ocean is a dynamic environment, and seabirds frequently 59 target areas of higher prey availability , Nur et al. 2011, 60 Quillfeldt et al. 2013. These regions are often characterised by local physical features or 61 processes, including eddies, frontal systems, upwelling zones and shelf breaks, that 62 increase primary production or serve to aggregate animals at higher trophic levels 63 (Wakefield et al. 2009, Kappes et al. 2010, Pinet et al. 2011, Louzao et al. 2011a. 64Reductions in size, and improvements in battery-life and functionality of tracking devices 65 since the 1990s have greatly improved our knowledge of at-sea distribution patterns and 66 behaviour of marine predators (Phillips et al. 2008). More recently, studies that combine 67 tracking data with remotely sensed environmental data in habitat models have provided key 68 insights into the oceanographic factors that drive the distribution of seabirds (Péron et al. 69 2010, Louzao et al. 2011b, Wakefield et al. 2011, Quillfeldt et al. 2015. 70 A limitation of many biologging studies is that data are available from relatively few 71 individuals tracked over short periods of time (Žydelis et al. 2011). In addition, as most 72 physical characteristic...