Background: The Deciduous Seasonal Forest (DSF) is one of the most abundant phytophysiognomies in Santa Catarina State / Brasil. However, it is severely impacted by fragmentation and introduction of invasive exotic species. In this scenario, the Hovenia dulcis is a species with a high degree of biological invasion, including in protected areas as the Fritz Plaumann State Park/Santa Catarina. Our objective was to understand the history of introduction of this invasive species in the park area, as well as to identify plant species with the potential to replace H. dulcis. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were carried out with informants residing in the Park's Buffer Zone (BZ). As base data for analysis, we use citations of use and the potential replacement species. For the complementary analysis, the consensus value or level of fidelity for the uses was estimated. To investigate the introduction history of the species in the study region, a literature search was conducted on the use of H. dulces.Results: Twenty-four informants were interviewed. The uses related to H. dulcis comprised thirteen citations. In the analysis of rapid ordering, firewood (23.25) was the most cited use. A total of thirty-four cited species with the potential to replace H. dulcis was obtained. The species' introduction history confirmed the technical indication as one of the main stimulators of the species' expansion in the region.Conclusions: Results demonstrate that the species is considered, by farmers, technically suitable for cultivation in the BZ of the Park. Hence the importance of highlighting other species with a greater or equal level of biological characteristics to replace H. dulcis.