Optical coherence tomography angiography is evolving towards wider fields of view. As single widefield acquisitions have a lower resolution, preventing an accurate segmentation of vascular plexuses in the periphery, we examined the retinal vascularisation from the macula to the periphery in all retinal quadrants, using 3 × 3-mm volume scans, to obtain montages with sufficient image resolution up to 11 mm from the foveal centre. Images were qualitatively and quantitatively analysed, using C-and B-scan approaches to calculate the capillary density (CD) and the interplexus distance (IPD). three vascular plexuses (i.e., superficial vascular plexus: SVP, intermediate capillary plexus: ICP, and deep capillary plexus: DCP) were observed up to the mid-periphery in all sectors. The CD of the SVP decreased from about 5 mm of eccentricity, along with ganglion cell density decrease. The CD of the icp progressively decreased from the fovea towards the periphery, along with the retinal thinning and then vanished from 8 to 9 mm of eccentricity, becoming undetectable beyond. This ICP disappearance resulted in an increased IPD between the SVP and the DCP in an area known to be frequently affected by capillary drop-out in diabetic retinopathy. The DCP only showed a slightly decreased CD towards the retinal periphery.Thus, it becomes important to better know the morphology, distribution and density of the different capillary plexuses from the fovea to the periphery. However, although WF-OCTA provides an image of the whole retinal capillary network that is qualitatively better than FA images, the resolution and segmentation of each capillary plexus with wider scans (i.e., 12 × 12-mm C-scans) is not sufficient to reliably assess the capillary plexuses and measure the capillary density (CD) 17,18 .The aim of this study was to evaluate the normal retinal vascularisation from the fovea to the far periphery. To overcome some of the limitations of wider scans, montages of small-field (3 × 3-mm) OCTA C-scans were used to provide a better resolution and fewer segmentation artefacts.
MethodsDemographics. This study, conducted in the