The dry eye syndrome ranges among widespread and persisting ophthalmic diseases. It is also called a disease of civilization. Among the causes particularly often leading to the dry eye syndrome adenoviral infection has to be listed. Over the last years, in Saint Petersburg, an increasing incidence rate of the epidemic adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis is noted, which is proceeding in severe membranous and infiltrative forms, involving the cornea. Occurring therewith secondary dry eye syndrome demands using effective medications. In the article, the experience in Cationorm® (Santen, Japan) clinical use for secondary dry eye syndrome treatment is disclosed. (For citation: Sokolov VO, Morozova NV, Polovinkina GV, et al. Experience in the Cationorm® use in the treatment of dry eye syndrome in patients after adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis. Ophthalmology Journal. 2017;10(3):61-66. doi: 10.17816/OV10361-66).