The author of this publication worked at Military Institute of Aviation Medicine (MIAM) in Warsaw in 1968-2018 with a small break. The paper is of a review nature and concerns the presentation of the scientifi c and implementational activities of Polish aviation psychologists from the perspective of the last half-century of the existence of the Military Institute of Aviation Medicine in Warsaw. The scientifi c activity includes, among others, empirical research on the assessment of mental and motor skills during tests in fl ight simulators: thermo-and diving chambers and centrifuges, while application research concerns mainly psychometric adaptation of psychological selection of candidates for military aviation and space fl ight and selection of military and civilian pilots. The organizational activity is related to the construction of tests and technical devices for group psychological research. The interdisciplinary nature of research is emphasized, thanks to cooperation of aviation psychologists with many specialists of aviation medicine and bioengineering. aviation psychology, fl ight simulators, space psychology, chronopsychology, polar psychology, psychological selection and pilot selection