We establish the existence of bulk odd-frequency superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 and show that an intrinsic Kerr effect is a direct evidence of this state. We use both general two-and three-orbital models, as well as a realistic tight-binding description of Sr2RuO4 to demonstrate that odd-frequency pairing arises due to finite hybridization between different orbitals in the normal state, and is further enhanced by finite inter-orbital pairing.The layered perovskite strontium ruthenate Sr 2 RuO 4 hosts an exotic superconducting state at low temperatures [1], with experiments having established both spintriplet pairing [2,3] and broken time-reversal symmetry [4,5]. The strongest candidate for the spatial symmetry is chiral p-wave order, with d-vector d = ∆ 0ẑ (k x ± ik y ) [6,7], although the exact gap structure is still disputed [8][9][10][11]. For example, spontaneous edge currents, associated with chiral p-wave pairing, have so far not been found [12]. The situation is further complicated by the Fermi surface consisting of three bands originating from three hybridizing Ru 4d orbitals; electron-like γ-(from xy orbital) and β-bands (xz, yz orbitals) and hole-like α-band (xz and yz orbitals).In this work we establish that the multi-orbital nature of Sr 2 RuO 4 hosts bulk odd-frequency (odd-ω) superconductivity. Odd-ω superconductivity is a dynamical phenomenon where the fermionic nature of the Cooper pair is preserved due to an oddness in frequency (or equivalently time) [13,14]. It is well established to exist in superconductor-ferromagnet junctions [15][16][17][18][19] and also predicted for superconductor-normal metal junctions [20][21][22]. However, odd-ω superconductivity has remained elusive in bulk materials without external magnetic fields. Recently, an intriguing possibility of bulk odd-ω pairing was proposed for model two-band superconductors. Here an odd parity in the band index of the Cooper pair induces an odd-ω dependence [23,24]. We demonstrate odd-ω superconductivity in Sr 2 RuO 4 arising from a similar odd parity in the orbital index.Importantly, we also show that a finite Kerr rotation angle in clean Sr 2 RuO 4 is direct evidence of odd-ω superconductivity. Detecting the Kerr effect in superconducting Sr 2 RuO 4 was instrumental for establishing timereversal symmetry breaking [4]. Recently, it has also been shown that inter-orbital processes are needed for a finite Kerr rotation [25][26][27][28], unless invoking extrinsic impurity effects [29,30]. We find odd-ω superconductivity and Kerr rotation emerging from the same finite hybridization between different orbitals and supplemented by possible finite inter-orbital pairing.Two-orbital superconductor.-To establish odd-ω superconductivity in Sr 2 RuO 4 and its connection to the Kerr effect we start by studying a minimal two-orbital model. The general Bogoliubov-de Gennes Hamiltonian reads k Ψ † kĤ k Ψ k , wherêand Ψ † k = (c † k↑1 c † k↑2 c −k↓1 c −k↓2 ) for orbitals 1 and 2. The normal and superconducting parts of the Hamiltonian are, respectively,We...