Many smart city applications work with calculated position and time using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals for enhanced precision. However, there are many places where the availability of GNSS is limited, e.g., road tunnels, which are an essential part of transport infrastructure. Tunnels also require greater attention and greater importance of approaches to ensure the safety and security aspects of traffic. The safety, distribution of information, awareness, and smooth traffic can also be ensured by V2X applications, but the current position is also needed. An experimental analysis of data connection and communication availability was performed in the Blanka tunnel (Prague) and its surroundings. The main objective of the work was to find and clearly describe the tunnel blind spots, with an emphasis on communication between cars and potentially between cars and infrastructure. This article summarizes the evaluation results of the V2X tunnel experimental test, the outputs from the analysis of these blind spots, and it provides a future perspective and suggestions that make tunnels smart by using advanced positioning approaches.