Strategy games are a challenge for the design of AI agents due to their complexity and the combinatorial search space they produce. State abstraction has been applied in different domains to shrink the search space. Automatic state abstraction methods have gained much success in the planning domain and their transfer to strategy games raises a question of scalability. In this paper, we propose Elastic MCTS, an algorithm that uses automatic state abstraction to play strategy games. In Elastic MCTS, tree nodes are clustered dynamically. First, nodes are grouped by state abstraction for efficient exploration, to later be separated for refining exploitable action sequences. Such an elastic tree benefits from efficient information sharing while avoiding using an imperfect state abstraction during the whole search process. We provide empirical analyses of the proposed method in three strategy games of different complexity. Our empirical results show that in all games, Elastic MCTS outperforms MCTS baselines by a large margin, with a considerable search tree size reduction at the expense of small computation time. The code for reproducing the reported results can be found at