Abstract. In early summer 1980, radical geography students rallied around the slogan
„Geografe nüme schlafe!“ („Geographers, stop sleeping!“) to take
part in the radical youth movement that shook the city of Zurich at that
time. In turn, these activist students brought these struggles back into the
university and the geography department, where they confronted the
professorate with their demands for a new curriculum. This paper argues that
the antagonistic Stimmung, in which these struggles took place, produced a radical
„thought style“ that flourished in a specific constellation of „thought
events“: a prominent theory seminar in 1980, the AK WissKri, a network of
radical geography students, the „Geoscope“ journal and, finally, a number
of diploma theses on feminist, urban and historical geography. In these
thought events, a radical geography materialized outside and beyond the
mainstream of German language geography. Building on archival material and
narrative interviews, this paper documents these student initiatives for a
radical geography, and illustrates the precarious conditions of possibility
of radical geography, in Zurich, and beyond.