The company has prioritised intrapreneurship development as a coping mechanism in response to the dynamic and ever-changing competitive environment. Unfortunately, there are a number of information gaps that must be filled before this can be accurately applied. This study was created to fill in some of those gaps. The literature revealed that there is no agreement among studies, notably on the coherence of internal and external antecedents in their influence on intrapreneurial behaviour and performance. A minimum sample size of 155 responders is required to test the model. This amounts to 14.1% of the total number of international firms that have been identified (MNC). The results showed that intrapreneurial behaviour is significantly influenced by both internal and external antecedents. This conclusion emphasises how crucial it is for managers to foster an environment where employees can act in an entrepreneurial manner. In this study, managerial support, employee autonomy, and rewards were the main internal antecedents. According to employees and managers inside the organisations, the findings also emphasised the value of a supportive, generous corporate climate.