IZVLEČEKUvod: Dosedanje raziskave kažejo, da je tvegano ali škodljivo uživanje alkohola med starostniki prisotno v obsegu med 5 % in 23 % te populacije. Z raziskavo smo želeli preučiti pojavnost uživanja alkohola v starosti v povezavi z demografskimi dejavniki, socialno vključenostjo in samooceno zdravja. Metode: Uporabljen je bil standardizirani vprašalnik Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test -Geriatric version (SMAST-G). Nenaključno so bili vključeni starostniki nad 65 let, živeči v domačem okolju, ki so razumeli besedilo. Podatke smo obdelali z opisno statistiko in testom hi-kvadrat. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da je med starostniki 30,0 % takšnih, ki imajo možne težave z alkoholom. Statistična značilnost večjega uživanja alkohola se je pokazala pri nižji izobrazbi (χ 2 = 12,255, p = 0,007) ter pri moškem spolu (χ 2 = 14,641, p < 0,001). Ugotovili smo statistično povezanost uživanja alkohola s samooceno zdravja (χ 2 = 12,085, p = 0,017) ter s posameznimi spremenljivkami socialne vključenosti, in sicer z oceno socialnih odnosov (χ 2 = 14,124, p < 0,001) in z (ne)obstojem osebnih ciljev za prihodnost (χ 2 = 12,156, p = 0,016). Diskusija in zaključek: Uživanje alkohola se pri starostnikih povezuje s slabšo kakovostjo socialnih odnosov in nižjo samooceno zdravja. Raziskava kaže na potrebo po zvišanju znanja starostnikov o vplivih uživanja alkohola na zdravje, na potrebo po njihovi integraciji v socialno okolje ter po nadaljnjem raziskovanju problema uživanja alkohola v starosti.
ABSTRACT Introduction:Research conducted to date indicates that from 5 % to 23 % of the elderly consume alcohol. The aim of the research was to examine the occurrence of alcohol consumption among the elderly in relation to demographic factors, social inclusion and relationships, and self-assessment of health. Methods: We used the Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test -Geriatric version standardized questionnaire. The research included non-randomly selected elderly people above 65 years of age, who were living at home and could understand the text. The data was processed with the descriptive analysis and chisquare test. Results: The research found that 30.0 % of the elderly have potential alcohol problems. Statistical significance was revealed in lower education and drinking (χ 2 = 12.255, p = 0.007), and male gender and drinking (χ 2 = 14.641, p < 0.001). We established a statistical correlation between the self-assessment of health and drinking (χ 2 = 12.085, p = 0.017), with assessment of social relationships (χ 2 = 14.124, p < 0.001) and with (non-)existence of future personal aims (χ 2 = 12.156, p = 0.016). Discussion and conclusion: Alcohol consumption among the elderly is related to poorer quality of social relationships and self-assessment of health. The research reveals the need to increase the knowledge of the elderly regarding alcohol consumption, their integration into social environments, and further research of the problem of alcohol consumption among the elderly.