In this work we introduce and study the strong generalized minimum label spanning tree (GMLST), a novel optimization problem defined on edge-labeled graphs. Given a label set associated to each edge of the input graph, the aim is to look for the spanning tree using the minimum number of labels. Differently from the previously introduced GMLST problem, including a given edge in the solution means that all its labels are used. We present a mathematical formulation, as well as three heuristic approaches to solve the problem. Computational results compare the performances of the proposed algorithms. KEYWORDS carousel greedy, generalized problem, minimum label spanning tree, pilot method i=1 1 i , where b is the maximum number of occurrences of a label. The authors also showed this new bound to be tight. Metaheuristics for the problem were proposed in several works [4,7,11,19,22]. In [1], the authors presented a single-commodity flow mathematical model, and showed that the formulation obtained by relaxing integrality on the arc selection variables always provides the optimal solution value for the original unrelaxed problem.Several other problems defined on graphs with labeled edges have been defined and studied. Among them, we recall the colorful traveling salesman problem [6,13,14,17,24], the labeled perfect matching problem [16] and the rainbow spanning forest problem [2]. A survey on edge-labeled problems, as well as a variant of the maximum flow problem, are presented in [12].Networks. 2019;