High-performing coatings that durably and fully repel liquids are of interest for fundamental research and practical applications. Such coatings should allow for droplet beading, roll off and bouncing, which is difficult to achieve for ultralow surface tension liquids. Here, we report a bottom-up approach for preparing superrepellent coatings using a mixture of fluoro-silanes and cyanoacrylate. Upon application onto surfaces, the coatings assemble into thin films of locally multi-reentrant hierarchical structures with very low surface energy. The resulting material is superrepellent to solvents, acids and bases, polymer solutions and ultralow surface tension liquids, characterized by ultrahigh surface contact angles (>150°) and negligible roll-off angles (~0°). Furthermore, the coatings are transparent, durable and demonstrate universal liquid bouncing, tailored responsiveness and anti-freezing properties, being thus a promising alternative to existing artificial superrepellent coatings.3 Repellent coatings are of broad interest for investigating fundamental interfacial phenomena 1-4 , as well as for practical applications in areas such as self-cleaning 5-7 , chemical shielding 8 , heat transfer 3 , wet adhesives 9 , drag-reduction 10 , anti-fouling 11 , separations and membranes 12,13 , fogharvesting 14 , self-assembly 15 , and icephobicity and anti-freezing 2,16,17 . Combining sophisticated microstructures possessing reentrant 18 or double-reentrant textures 19 with low surface energy chemical modifications 20-22 result in state-of-the-art techniques for the preparation of repellent surfaces (i.e. surfaces with apparent contact angles θ * > 150°, which are considered superhydrophobic or superoleophobic for water and oil, respectively). However, engineering high-performing surfaces that are superrepellent (i.e. droplet roll-off angles ~0°) even to liquids with ultralow surface tensions (i.e. <20 mN m -1 ; e.g., n-hexane and n-pentane) remains challenging because of their low solid-liquid interfacial energy (see Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2 for detailed discussion). To date, this has only been possible using a "top-down", multi-step etching-based approach 19 , which can have limited applicability and versatility due to a lack of robustness, e.g., break-in of liquid.
StrategyThe overall performance of a coating is governed by a range of properties 23 -including surface morphology, binding forces, surface chemistry, and other physical and mechanical characteristics-whereas surface repellence to liquids is primarily dependent on the surface texture and chemistry 20,24 . As these factors are interrelated, the design of simple and versatile superrepellent coatings is difficult. For example, increasing surface roughness may be used to minimize the liquid-solid contact area, which favours ultrahigh contact angles and ultralow rolloff angles. However, increased surface roughness can also compromise the transparency and durability of a coating 20,25 . Additionally, the responsiveness of a coating may enable surfaces