Chordal Contraction is known to be W[2]-Hard. We complement this result by observing that the existing W[2]-hardness reduction can be adapted to show that, assuming FPT = W[1], there is no F (k)-FPT-approximation algorithm for Chordal Contraction. Here, F (k) is an arbitrary function depending on k alone.We say that an algorithm is an h(k)-FPT-approximation algorithm for the F-Contraction problem, if it runs in FPT time, and on any input (G, k) such that there exists X ⊆ E(G) satisfying G/X ∈ F and |X| ≤ k, it outputs an edge set Y of size at most h(k) • k for which G/Y is in F. We find it extremely interesting that three closely related problems have different behavior with respect to FPT-approximation.