Let b ≥ 2 and n ≥ 2 be integers. For a b-adic n-digit integer x, let A (resp. B) be the b-adic n-digit integer obtained by rearranging the numbers of all digits of x in descending (resp. ascending) order. Then, we define the Kaprekar transformation T ( b , n ) ( x ) : = A - B . If T ( b , n ) ( x ) = x , then x is called a b-adicn-digit Kaprekar constant. Moreover, we say that a b-adic n-digit Kaprekar constant x is regular when the numbers of all digits of x are distinct. In this article, we obtain some formulas for regular and non-regular Kaprekar constants, respectively. As an application of these formulas, we then see that for any integer b ≥ 2 , the number of b-adic odd-digit regular Kaprekar constants is greater than or equal to the number of all non-trivial divisors of b. Kaprekar constants have the symmetric property that they are fixed points for recursive number theoretical functions T ( b , n ) .