In some previous articles, we defined several partitions of the total kinetic energy T of a system of N classical particles in R d into components corresponding to various modes of motion. In the present paper, we propose formulas for the mean values of these components in the normalization T = 1 (for any d and N) under the assumption that the masses of all the particles are equal. These formulas are proven at the "physical level" of rigor and numerically confirmed for planar systems (d = 2) at 3 N 100. The case where the masses of the particles are chosen at random is also considered. The paper complements our article of 2008 [Russian J Phys Chem B 2(6):947-963] where similar numerical experiments were carried out for spatial systems (d = 3) at 3 N 100.Keywords Multidimensional systems of classical particles · Instantaneous phase-space invariants · Kinetic energy partitions · Formulas for the mean values · Hyperangular momenta Mathematics Subject Classification (2010) 53A17 · 93C25 · 70G10 · 70B99
IntroductionThe integral characteristic of motion in a system of classical particles is the total kinetic energy T . However, for quite different types of motion, the value of T can obviously be the same. For instance, consider a system of two particles with the fixed center-of-mass and let r = r(t) be the vector connecting the particles. Depending on the forces and initial conditions, this two-particle system can vibrate (if the direction of r is not changing) or