In this paper we prove global in time existence of weak solutions to zero Mach number systems arising in fluid mechanics with periodic boundary conditions. Relaxing a certain algebraic constraint between the viscosity and the conductivity introduced in [D. Bresch, E.H. Essoufi, and M. Sy, J. Math. Fluid Mech. 2007] gives a more complete answer to an open question formulated in [P.-L. Lions, Oxford 1998]. We introduce a new mathematical entropy which clearly shows existence of two-velocity hydrodynamics with a fixed mixture ratio. As an application of our result we first discuss a model of gaseous mixture extending the results of [P. Embid, Comm. Partial Diff. Eqs. 1987] to the global weak solutions framework. Second, we present the ghost effect system studied by [C.D. Levermore, W. Sun, K. Trivisa, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 2012] and discuss a contribution of the density-dependent heat-conductivity coefficient to the issue of existence of weak solutions.