The purpose of this work is to give some new algebraic properties of the orthogonality of a monic polynomial sequence {Q n } n≥0 defined by Q n (x) = P n (x) + s n P n−1 (x) + t n P n−2 (x) + r n P n−3 (x), n ≥ 1, where r n 0, n ≥ 3, and {P n } n≥0 is a given sequence of monic orthogonal polynomials. Essentially, we consider some cases in which the parameters r n , s n , and t n can be computed more easily. Also, as a consequence, a matrix interpretation using LU and UL factorization is done. Some applications for Laguerre, Bessel and Tchebychev orthogonal polynomials of second kind are obtained. Q n (x) + M−1 i=1 a i,n Q n−i (x) = P n (x) + N−1 i=1 b i,n P n−i (x), n ≥ 1, where M and N are fixed positive integer numbers, and {a i,n } n and {b i,n } n are sequences of complex numbers with a M−1,n b N−1,n 0. The study of the regularity of the sequence {Q n } n≥0 is said to be an inverse problem. This problem has been studied in some particular cases. Indeed, the relations of types 1-2 and 2-1 have been studied in [9], the 1-3 type relation in [2], the 2-2 type relation in [4] and the 2-3 type relation in [1]. In addition, the 1-N type relation with constant coefficients has been analyzed in [3]. Recently, in [8] and for M = 1, N = 4, F. Marcelln and S. Varma determine necessary and sufficient conditions such that {Q n } n≥0 becomes also orthogonal. This article is a continuation of [8]. It deals with some new results about the sequence {Q n } n≥0 defined by Q n (x) = P n (x) + s n P n−1 (x) + t n P n−2 (x) + r n P n−3 (x), r n 0, n ≥ 3.