homoepitaxy of 4H-SiC has the advantage of producing epilayers
that are free of basal plane dislocations. Such layers can be highly
beneficial for SiC-based high-power bipolar electronic devices which
otherwise suffer from bipolar degradation phenomena related to basal
plane dislocations in epilayers. In this study, we have developed
on-axis homoepitaxy on the Si-face of 100 mm diameter 4H-SiC wafers
with only 4H polytype in the epilayer excluding the edges of the wafer.
We have also compared standard and chloride-based growth, the influence
of different ambient conditions on surface preparation of the substrate,
the influence of the histories of different growth cells, and the
geometry of the susceptors regarding 4H-polytype stability in the
epilayer. Substrate surface preparation, growth temperature, C/Si
ratio, and Si/H ratio are found to be the most influential parameters
to achieve homoepitaxy. On-axis homoepitaxial growth rate is limited
to a very low value of <10 μm/h. We have performed a systematic
study to understand the influence of different growth parameters and
gas phase chemistries to determine whether on-axis growth rate can
be enhanced and, if not, what the limiting factors are. Our experimental
evidence suggests that the on-axis growth rate is not limited by the
gas phase chemistry or diffusion, but it is limited by the surface
kinetics. A significantly low step density on on-axis substrates lowers
the surface reaction rates and limits the growth rate to lower values.
It may not be possible to further improve the growth rate even with
chloride-based growth using epitaxial growth conditions.