In a general class of Bayesian nonparametric models, we prove that the posterior distribution can be asymptotically approximated by a Gaussian process. Our results apply to nonparametric exponential family that contains both Gaussian and non-Gaussian regression, and also hold for both efficient (root-n) and inefficient (non root-n) estimation. Our general approximation theorem does not rely on posterior conjugacy, and can be verified in a class of Gaussian process priors that has a smoothing spline interpretation [59,44].In particular, the limiting posterior measure becomes prior-free under a Bayesian version of "under-smoothing" condition. Finally, we apply our approximation theorem to examine the asymptotic frequentist properties of Bayesian procedures such as credible regions and credible intervals.AMS 2000 subject classifications: Primary 62C10 Secondary 62G15, 62G08.