We study geometrical properties of the ridge function manifold R n consisting of all possible linear combinations of n functions of the form g(a·x), where a · x is the inner product in R d . We obtain an estimate for the ε-entropy numbers in terms of smaller ε-covering numbers of the compact class G n,s formed by the intersection of the class R n with the unit ball BP d s in the space of polynomials on R d of degree s. In particular we show that for n ≤ s d−1 the ε-entropy number H ε (G n,s , L q ) of the class G n,s in the space L q is of order ns log 1/ε (modulo a logarithmic factor). Note that the ε-entropy number H ε (BP d s , L q ) of the unit ball is of order s d log 1/ε. Moreover, we obtain an estimate for the pseudo-dimension of the ridge function class G n,s .