Abstract. We introduce two 2-variables transforms: the partial bi-free S-transform and the partial bi-free T -transform. These transforms are the analogues for the bi-multiplicative and, respectively, for the additive-multiplicative bi-free convolution of the 2-variables partial bi-free R-transform in our previous paper in this series.
IntroductionIn the first paper in this series [9] we proposed an extension of free probability to systems with left and right variables, based on the notion of bi-freeness. Due to the recent work ([10]we already have a much better understanding of bi-free probability.Here, we complement our paper [10] on the 2-variables bi-free Rtransform with two further 2-variables partial transforms adapted to the bi-multiplicative operation ⊠⊠ and to the additive-multiplicative operation ⊞⊠. In view of free-probability it was obvious to use the letter S for the first transform, while for the second which corresponds to passing from bi-free pairs (a 1 , b 1 ), (a 2 , b 2 ) to (a 1 + a 2 , b 1 b 2 ) we went for T the next letter in the alphabet.Like in the case of addition [10] we found that also for multiplication instead of our original approach to the one-variable S-transform