Abstract. Debris flows represent frequent hazards
in mountain regions. Though significant effort has been made to predict such
events, the trigger conditions as well as the hydrologic disposition of a
watershed at the time of debris flow occurrence are not well understood.
Traditional intensity-duration threshold techniques to establish trigger
conditions generally do not account for distinct influences of rainfall,
snowmelt, and antecedent moisture. To improve our knowledge on the connection
between debris flow initiation and the hydrologic system at a regional scale,
this study explores the use of a semi-distributed conceptual rainfallârunoff
model, linking different system variables such as soil moisture, snowmelt, or
runoff with documented debris flow events in the inner Pitztal watershed,
Austria. The model was run on a daily basis between 1953 and 2012. Analysing
a range of modelled system state and flux variables at days on which debris
flows occurred, three distinct dominant trigger mechanisms could be clearly
identified. While the results suggest that for 68â% (17Â out of 25) of the
observed debris flow events during the study period high-intensity rainfall
was the dominant trigger, snowmelt was identified as the dominant trigger for
24â% (6 out of 25) of the observed debris flow events. In addition,
8â% (2 out of 25) of the debris flow events could be attributed to the
combined effects of low-intensity, long-lasting rainfall and transient
storage of this water, causing elevated antecedent soil moisture conditions.
The results also suggest a relatively clear temporal separation between the
distinct trigger mechanisms, with high-intensity rainfall as a trigger being
limited to mid- and late summer. The dominant trigger in late spring/early
summer is snowmelt. Based on the discrimination between different modelled
system states and fluxes and, more specifically, their temporally varying
importance relative to each other, this exploratory study demonstrates that
already the use of a relatively simple hydrological model can prove useful to
gain some more insight into the importance of distinct debris flow trigger
mechanisms. This highlights in particular the relevance of snowmelt
contributions and the switch between mechanisms during early to mid-summer in
snow-dominated systems.