Abstract.We give examples of infinite order rational transformations that leave linear differential equations covariant. These examples are non-trivial yet simple enough illustrations of exact representations of the renormalization group. We first illustrate covariance properties on order-two linear differential operators associated with identities relating the same 2 F 1 hypergeometric function with different rational pullbacks. These rational transformations are solutions of a differentially algebraic equation that already emerged in a paper by Casale on the Galoisian envelopes. We provide two new and more general results of the previous covariance by rational functions: a new Heun function example and a higher genus 2 F 1 hypergeometric function example. We then focus on identities relating the same 2 F 1 hypergeometric function with two different algebraic pullback transformations: such remarkable identities correspond to modular forms, the algebraic transformations being solution of another differentially algebraic Schwarzian equation that also emerged in Casale's paper. Further, we show that the first differentially algebraic equation can be seen as a subcase of the last Schwarzian differential condition, the restriction corresponding to a factorization condition of some associated order-two linear differential operator. Finally, we also explore generalizations of these results, for instance, to 3 F 2 , hypergeometric functions, and show that one just reduces to the previous 2 F 1 cases through a Clausen identity. The question of the reduction of these Schwarzian conditions to modular correspondences remains an open question. In a 2 F 1 hypergeometric framework the Schwarzian condition encapsulates all the modular forms and modular equations of the theory of elliptic curves, but these two conditions are actually richer than elliptic curves or 2 F 1 hypergeometric functions, as can be seen on the Heun and higher genus example. This work is a strong incentive to develop more differentially algebraic symmetry analysis in physics.