The study of enumeration degrees appears prima facie to be far removed from topology. Work by Miller, and subsequently recent work by Kihara and the author has revealed that actually, there is a strong connection: Substructures of the enumeration degrees correspond to σ-homeomorphism types of second-countable topological spaces. Here, a gentle introduction to the area is attempted. 1 Enumeration reducibility Enumeration reducibility is a computability-theoretic reducibility for subsets of N introduced by Friedberg and Rogers [10]. Definition 1. A ≤ e B iff there is a c.e.-set W such that: A = {n ∈ N | ∃k ∈ N ∃m 0 ,. .. , m k ∈ B n, m 0 ,. .. , m k ∈ W } where : N * → N is some standard coding for tuples of arbitrary length. We write E for the collection of enumeration degrees.