This note summarizes the theory of p-adically completed cohomology. This construction was first introduced in paper [4] (although insufficient attention was given there to the integral aspects of the theory), and then further developed in the papers [2] and [6]. The papers [4] and [2] may give the impression that p-adically completed cohomology is some sort of auxiliary construction that can be used to prove theorems (of either a p-adic or classical nature) about automorphic forms. However, we believe that p-adically completed cohomology is in fact an object of fundamental importance, and that it provides the best approximation that we know of to spaces of p-adic automorphic forms. (In particular, unlike the spaces that go by this name that are sometimes constructed by arithmetico-geometric means in the theory of modular curves, or more generally Shimura varieties, p-adically completed cohomology admits a representation of the p-adic group, and thus allows the introduction of representation-theoretic methods into the study of p-adic properties of automorphic forms.)A systematic exposition of the theory, and of its (largely conjectural, at this point) applications to the p-adic aspects of the Langlands correspondence between automorphic eigenforms and Galois representations, will be given in the paper [3]. These notes provide a summary of some of the basic points of the theory, as well as one of the main conjectures of [3] (Conjecture 6.1 below).
DefinitionsLet G 0 be a pro-finite group, assumed to admit a countable basis of neighbourhoods of the identity, consisting of normal open subgroups, saySuppose given a tower of topological spaceseach equipped with an action of G 0 , such that:2. G r acts trivially on X r , and realizes X r as a G 0 /G r -torsor over X 0 . (In particular, all the maps in the tower are finite coverings.) 1