Jointly analyAing the absorption spectra and the interference patterns in the transniission spectra of GaSe a t pressures between 1 and 5530 bar, further evidence is given rehting to polyt.ypic transformations in GaSe. namely: t.he intrapolytypic transformation when the pressure is increased from 2790 to 3350 bar and the interpolytypic transformation when thc pressure is increased from 4340 to 4710 bar. This intcrpret.ation is confirmed by the ana,lysis of the pressure dependcncc of t,he energy position of the exciton line. The possiblc mechanism of t,hcse transformations is discussed. Taking account of the intrapolytypic transformation, t,he prcssurc influence on the low-energy tail of the exciton lines is considcrccl. R cnempax npoIlycriaHtiFI GaSe B j~1 a n a 3 o~e EauJeIIMfi OT 1 110 5530 bar nonyserrbr nonomime;lbIIhie Z O K~~~T~J I~X T R~ OTHOCHTC~IHIO IIOJMTIIZIHIJX npcBpaqeirti8 B GaSe, a 3350 bar H HeHinomTmHoro rrpeuparrremfi IIPH IIoBbImeIImi xau:ieHm OT 4340 xo 4710 bar. 3~a mrTepIrpeTaqHn norrTi3epirraacTcR TaKxie a11am3ou ~~R H C M M O C T M ~H C P -n l ) M COBMeCTHOM aHajIM3e CIIeKTpOB IIOrJIOLI[eHMn M HHTCp~CpC€I~MOlIIIblX IiapTPIH MMeHJIO, B~IYTPMIIo,l~iTArIHorO IIpCBpaIIleHIIfi npI.1 nOBbIIII~HklH XaBJleHMR OT 2790 A 0 IYTIlqeCKOrO IIOJIOHieHHFI 3KCMTOHIIOfi JHHMM OT ;laBJIeHASI. 06CyiK~aeTCFI BePOSITHbIB MeXaHH3M 3TAX npeBpaILlCIIr?l~. c y9CTOM UIIYTPMIIOJIRTkIIIlIO~0 IlpeRpaII~CIIMH paCCM0-TpeHo u m m n e EauneIIHIr Ha r 1~3~o~r r e p r e~~l s e c 1~1~~ XBOCT ~KCIIIOIIZIO&~ J I M I I~I .