Inspired by Strotz's consistent planning strategy, we formulate the infinite horizon mean-variance stopping problem as a subgame perfect Nash equilibrium in order to determine time consistent strategies with no regret. Equilibria among stopping times or randomized stopping times may not exist. This motivates us to consider the notion of liquidation strategies, which allows the stopping right to be divisible. We then argue that the mean-standard deviation variant of this problem makes more sense for this type of strategies in terms of time consistency. It turns out that an equilibrium liquidation strategy always exists. We then analyze whether optimal equilibrium liquidation strategies exist and whether they are unique and observe that neither may hold.Example 4.2. Consider the second example in the proof of Proposition 2.5. For mean-standard deviation problem, sup τ ∈T K p (11, τ ) = K p (11, τ ) = K p (11, τ ) = 11.1515, where τ = inf{n ≥ 0 : X 1 n ∈ {0, 18}}, τ = inf{n ≥ 0 : X 1 n ∈ {0, 17, 18}}, and sup τ ∈T K p (17, τ ) = K p (17, τ ) = 17.0022,where τ = inf{n ≥ 0 : X 1 n ∈ {0, 11, 18}}. There is an equilibrium liquidation strategy η(11) = a 3 ∈ (0, 1), η(17) = 0. We haveFor mean-variance problem, sup τ ∈T J p (11, τ ) = J p (11, τ ) = 11, sup τ ∈T J p (17, τ ) = J p (17, τ ) = 17,where τ = 0.The unique equilibrium liquidation strategy is η(11) = a ∈ (0, 1), η(17) = b ∈ (0, 1) where a ≈ 0.9312 and b ≈ 0.7629. Details on finding the equilibrium liquidation strategy can be found in Appendix A.5. We have J l (11, η) = 10.8365 < sup τ ∈T J p (11, τ ), J l (17, η) = 16.9981 < sup τ ∈T J p (17, τ ).