Abstract. In the present study we investigate, Hypersurface-Homogeneous cosmological model in f(R,T) theory of gravity with a term Λ. We obtain the gravitational field equations in the metric formalism, which follow from the covariant divergence of the stress-energy tensor. The field equations correspond for a specific choice of f(R,T)=f 1 (R)+f 2 (T), with the individual superior functions f 1 (R)=λR and f 2 (T)=λT. In this paper, we consider a simple form of expansion history of Universe referred to as the hybrid expansion law − a product of power-law and exponential type of functions. Einstein's field equations have been solved by taking into account the hybrid expansion law for scale factor that yields time dependent deceleration parameter (DP). Some physical and geometric properties of the model along with physical acceptability of the solutions have also been discussed in detail.