1974 01 15: The development of C/orlograpltrs leridris and Addograplirs hir~r~lebergerr~is. I.e/haia, Vol. 7, pp. 79-92. 040. ISSN 0024-1 164. E m The development of Cloriograp/iis ier~elliis Linnarsson and Adelogrupirrs Irri~il~ebergerisis (Mobel-g) is described for the first time. The material comprises well-preserved isolated specimens from the Shincton (Tremadoc) Shales of Chcrme's Dingle and Lady Covert, neai-Leighton, Shropshire. Two new morphological terms, the cauda and the conus, have been introduced for the adequate description of the prosicula. This material demonstrates that the nema is a hollow tube with a passage into the apex of the prosicula, and an open growing end. The tcrm nematocaulus has been applied to the soft tissue which secreted the nema. The mode of development and the internal stolon system suggested by Bulman (1949) have been confitmed. Early growth stages of this material are compared with those of Rhabdopleirra conrpacla Hincks. Jarin E . H i t / / , Sedgwick Mrtsermi. Dowwirig Streel, Catttbridgc~. U . K . (Presetlr adtlress: 28 Rockfield Drive, ~,/arrilrrdrlo, Caerrrar~~ortshire, Wales), 5/11 April, 1973.LETHAT 7 (1Y74) nebergensis is difficult unless a large portion of the rhabdosome is available, and the differing branching patterns can be seen. C. tenellus can, however, be distinguished on the basis of older growth stages, that is, after the first crossing canal has developed; of these growth stages, about 60V0 are referable t o C. tenellus. As the present material comprises mainly early growth stages and distal fragments, only a small proportion of the total specimens can be identified positively.This study has concentrated on the detailed morphology and development available with isolated material; description of the gross morphology of the two species was adequately covered by Stubblefield (1929). Because of the difficulty in distinguishing C. tenellus from A . hunnebergensis in the present material, a general description applicable t o both species will be given. Ack,rowledgenzeri/s.-This work is the first stage in a project to investigate and evaluate the La2 fauna of Victoria, Australia, which is generally believed to be Upper Tremadoc age. Further investigation of the main components of the underlying (Lower Tremadoc) anisograptid faunas was clearly necessary, since there is no strictly comparable Upper Tremadoc fauna elsewhere. The project has been financed by a grant from N.E.R.C. which is gratefully acknowledged by the author and the senior investigator, Prof. 0. M. B. Bulman, under whose general supervision this work was done. sity of Cambridge, for their helpful suggestions and discussions. All specimens are deposited in the Sedgwick Musuem, Cambridge. O I I Iriver/ebrute Palueoritology V. Gruplolirhiriu with seetioris or1 Eriteroprreiis/ii orid Pterobrurichiu. (2nd Edition), I-XXXII, 163 pp. Geol. Soc. Amer. and Bulman, 0. M. B. 1972: A new Dic/yorieniti fauna Univ. Kansas.