“…|u(x)−u(y)| ≤ Cd(x, y) a for some a ∈ (0, 1). Our proof of Theorem 1 can be easily modified to give a new and PDE-based proof of the Hölder continuity of u, in the spirit of the proof of L ∞ estimates developed in [7]. We can readily show in this manner that, if e F ∈ L q for some q > 1 and q * = q q−1 is the conjugate exponent of q, then |u(x) − u(y)| ≤ Cd(x, y) α 0 for α 0 = 2 1+(n+1)q * , for some constant C > 0 depending only on n, q, ω 0 and e F L q .…”