In the last decade, mass spectrometry has developed at a tremendous rate. This expansion has been driven by the growing knowledge of ionization methods at atmospheric pressure (API), mainly electrospray ionization (ESI) [1], which makes the investigation of liquid solutions possible by mass spectrometry. ESI is used for ionic species in solution, and this ionization method opened up the access to the direct investigation of chemical reactions in solution via mass spectrometry. In principle, ESI make possible the detection and study not only of reaction substrates and products, but even short-lived reaction intermediates as they are present in solution, providing new insights into the mechanism of several studied reactions.ESI-MS and its tandem version ESI-MS/MS are rapidly becoming the techniques of choice for solution mechanistic studies in chemistry. Depending on the conditions set in the equipment, the ESI process can be used to transfer analyte species generally ionized in the condensed phase into the gas phase as isolated entities. An interesting method of studying intermediates using ESI is the ion fishing technique applied by Chen [2]. The suspected catalytic ionic species is fished from solution and transferred to the collision cell of the mass spectrometer, where the gas-phase catalytic reaction can be further studied by ion/molecule reactions [3].This chapter deals with applicability of on-line mechanistic investigations of catalyzed reactions through ESI-MS in the condensed phase. It is focused on the interception of intermediates in organic reactions previously proposed based on experimental evidence, and isolation of the different products, validating (or not) the empiric proposals. More detailed information about the technique can be found in some excellent reviews [4] that summarize current thinking on the various stages of the ESI process [5,6]. However, a brief description of the ESI mechanism is appropriate at his point.The electrospray process can be described with relative simplicity. A solution of the analyte is passed through a capillary held at high potential. The high voltage generates a mist of highly charged droplets, which passes through potential and pressure gradients toward the analyzer portion of the mass spectrometer. During this transition, the droplets decrease in size by evaporation of the solvent and by droplet subdivision resulting from the coulombic repulsions caused by the high charge density achieved in the shrinkage. The final result is that the ions become completely desolvated [7].The charge state of the isolated ions is assumed to closely reflect the charge state in solution (multiply charged species due to ion/molecule reactions in the interface are sometimes observed), since the transfer of ions to the gas phase is not an energetic processthe desolvation is indeed a process that effectively cools the ion [8-10]. Therefore, it can be assumed that ESI involves only the stepwise disruption of noncovalent interactions, principally the removal of molecules of solvation, an...