In this communication, we describe the design of an online multi-chromatographic approach to the routine NMR analyses of low-level components ( approximately 0.1%) in complex mixtures. The technique, termed LC(2)-SPE-NMR, optimally combines multi-dimensional liquid chromatography with SPE technology for isolating, enriching and delivering trace analytes to the NMR probe. The fully automated LC(2)-SPE-NMR system allows for maximal loading capacity (in the first, preparative LC dimension), close to optimal peak resolution (in the second, analytical LC dimension) and enhanced sample concentration (through SPE). Using this system, it is feasible to conveniently conduct a wide range of NMR experiments on, for example, drug impurities at the low microgram per milliliter level, even for components poorly resolved in the first dimension. Such a sensitivity gain significantly elevates the analytical power of online NMR technology in terms of the level at which substances of pharmaceutical significance can be structurally characterized.