This paper provides a technique to investigate the inverse Laplace transform by using orthonormal Bernstein operational matrix of integration. The proposed method is based on replacing the unknown function through a truncated series of Bernstein basis polynomials and the coefficients of the expansion are obtained using the operational matrix of integration. This is an alternative procedure to find the inversion of Laplace transform with few terms of Bernstein polynomials.Numerical tests on various functions have been performed to check the applicability and efficiency of the technique. The root mean square error between exact and numerical results is computed, which shows that the method produces the satisfactory results. A rough upper bound for errors is also estimated.
KEYWORDSLaplace transform, numerical inverse Laplace transform, operational matrices, orthonormal Bernstein polynomialswhere c is a positive real number and all the poles of F(s) lie at the left side of the line s = c. Sometimes, inverse Laplace transform becomes complicated when the analytic inverse cannot be found. Hence, to calculate the inverse Laplace transform, numerical techniques are adopted.Recently, numerous different methods have been adopted for analytically and numerically inverting the Laplace transform, which is well suited to different types of functions. Lee and Sheen 5 developed analytic continuation of Bromwich integral and determined the integral by using quadrature rule, Dubner and Abate 6 expressed the function in Fourier cosine series, further it was improved by Durbin 7 that the trapezoidal rule can be applied and the function can be expressed in trigonometric series, Iqbal 8 studied the regularization method, Cuomo et al 9 have described a numerical technique based Math Meth Appl Sci. 2018;