“…The following program gives, as t grows from 1 up to B, the Kummer radical M and the integer r obtained from the factorizations of m 1 (t) = t 2 − 1, under the form Mr 2 ; then we put them in a list LM and the F.O.P. algorithm gives the pairs C = core(mt, 1) = [M, r], in the increasing order of the radicals M and removes the duplicate entries: [2,2], [3,1], [5,4], [6,2], [7,3], [10,6], [11,3], [13,180], [14,4], [15,1], [17,8], [19,39], [21,12], [22,42], [23,5], [26,10], [29,1820], [30,2], [31,273], [33,4], [34,6], [35,1], [37,12], [38,6], [39,4], ...…”