We evaluate in detail the string scattering amplitude to compute different interactions of two massless scalars, one tachyon and one closed string RamondRamond field in type II super string theory. In particular we find two scalar field and two tachyon couplings to all orders of α ′ up to on-shell ambiguity.We then obtain the momentum expansion of this amplitude and apply this infinite number of couplings to actually check that the infinite number of tachyon poles of S-matrix element of this amplitude for the p = n case (where p is the spatial dimension of a D p -brane and n is the rank of a Ramond-Ramond field strength ) to all orders of α ′ is precisely equal to the infinite number of tachyon poles of the field theory. In addition to confirming the couplings of closed string Ramond-Ramond field to the world-volume gauge field and scalar fields including commutators, we also propose an extension of the Wess-Zumino action which naturally reproduces these new couplings in field theory such that they could be confirmed with direct S-matrix computations. Finally we show that the infinite number of massless poles and contact terms of this amplitude for the p = n + 1 case can be reproduced by Chern-Simons, higher derivative corrections of the Wess-Zumino and symmetrized trace tachyon DBI actions.