In this paper, we provide a technique result on the existence of Gibbs cu-states for diffeomorphisms with dominated splittings. More precisely, for given C 2 diffeomorphim f with dominated splitting T Λ M = E ⊕ F on an attractor Λ, by considering some suitable random perturbation of f , we show that for any zero noise limit of ergodic stationary measures, if it has positive integrable Lyapunov exponents along invariant sub-bundle E, then its ergodic components contain Gibbs cu-states associated to E. With this technique, we show the existence of SRB measures and physical measures for some systems exhibitting dominated splittings and weak hyperbolicity.
SRB measures and Gibbs cu-statesLet M be a compact Riemannian manifold, use Leb represent the Lebesgue measure of M . Given a sub-manifold γ ⊂ M , denote by Leb γ the Lebesgue measure on γ induced by the restriction of the Riemannian structure to γ. Let d denote the distance in M , and ρ the distance in the Grassmannian bundle of T M generated by the Riemannian metric. Denote by Diff 2 (M ) the space of C 2 diffeomorphisms on M .Given diffeomorphism f on M , let E be a Df -invariant sub-bundle and µ an f -invariant measure, we define the integrable Lyapunov exponent along E of µ byGiven f ∈ Diff 2 (M ), let Λ be an attractor admitting the dominated splitting T Λ M = E ⊕ ≻ F . Since the distributions E and F are continuous, we may extend