In this paper, we extend considerably the global existence results of entropyweak solutions related to compressible Navier-Stokes system with density dependent viscosities obtained, independently (using different strategies), by Vasseur-Yu [Inventiones mathematicae (2016) and arXiv:1501.06803 (2015)] and by Li-Xin [arXiv:1504.06826 (2015]. More precisely we are able to consider a physical symmetric viscous stress tensor σ = 2µ(ρ) D(u)+ λ(ρ)divu−P (ρ) Id where D(u) = [∇u+∇ T u]/2 with a shear and bulk viscosities (respectively µ(ρ) and λ(ρ)) satisfying the BD relation λ(ρ) = 2(µ ′ (ρ)ρ−µ(ρ)) and a pressure law P (ρ) = aρ γ (with a > 0 a given constant) for any adiabatic constant γ > 1. The nonlinear shear viscosity µ(ρ) satisfies some lower and upper bounds for low and high densities (our mathematical result includes the case µ(ρ) = µρ α with 2/3 < α < 4 and µ > 0 constant). This provides an answer to a longstanding mathematical question on compressible Navier-Stokes equations with density dependent viscosities as mentioned for instance by F. Rousset in the Bourbaki 69me anne, 2016-2017, no 1135. 1 2 DIDIER BRESCH, ALEXIS F. VASSEUR, AND CHENG YU introducing an appropriated method of truncation. Note also in 2014 the paper by in dimension 2 for the linear pressure law that means γ = 1. In 2002, Feireisl [21] has also proved it is possible to consider a pressure P (ρ) law non-monotone on a compact set [0, ρ * ] (with ρ * constant) and monotone elsewhere. This has been relaxed in 2018 by Bresch-Jabin [13] allowing to consider real non-monotone pressure laws. They have also proved that it is possible to consider some constant anisotropic viscosities. The Lions theory has also been extended recently by Vasseur-Wen-Yu [48] to pressure laws depending on two phases (see also Mastese & al. [36], Novotny [40] and Novotny-Pokorny [41]). The method introduced by Bresch-Jabin in [13] has also been recently developped in the bifluid framework by Bresch-Mucha-Zatorska in [15].
FeireislWhen the shear and the bulk viscosities (respectively µ and λ) are assumed to depend on the density ρ, the mathematical framework is completely different. It has been discussed, mathematically, initially in a paper by Bernardi-Pironneau [5] related to viscous shallow-water equations and by P.-L. Lions [35] in his second volume related to mathematics and fluid mechanics. The main ingredient in the constant case which is the compactness in space of the effective flux F = (2µ + λ)divu − P (ρ) is no longer true for density dependent viscosities. In space dimension greater than one, a real breakthrough has been realized with a series of papers by Bresch-Desjardins [6,8,9,10], (started in 2003 with Lin [11] in the context of Navier-Stokes-Korteweg with linear shear viscosity case) who have identified an information related to the gradient of a function of the density if the viscosities satisfy what is called the Bresch-Desjardins constraint. This information is usually called the BD entropy in the literature with the introduction of the concept...