The choice of filter structure for any system depends Using IFIR filter, the same demodulator can be used for those on the various parameters like computational complexity, applications. The paper describes one of the applications of memory requirement, frequency of operation and finite world IFIR filter in realizing the 500Kbps BPSK demodulator. length effect. To overcome the limitations of Infinite Impulse In first section general design of an IFIR filter is discussed Response (IIR) filter, an Interpolated Finite Impulse Filter (IFIR) followed by description of an IR filter. i next section Costas has been designed and implemented in Xilinx FPGA. The paper Loop by demodlator is an witesIn equation FPGa deals with issues related to the hardware implementation & ways Loop BPSK demodulator is dealt with design equation. FPGA to increase operating frequency of filter. The paper compares the implementation of IFIR, IR and demodulator based on these suitability of different types of filters for satellite communication. filter is discussed afterwards. Finally comparison tables and It also describes the application of IFIR filter in high data rate results of implementation are presented.Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) demodulator for satellite