Quantum mechanics is capable of contributing to the development of psychological knowledge by creating new models to explain the mechanism of perception as well as the nature of mental processes. This knowledge will in turn facilitate the combination of electronic and information systems with the human biological system in robots. Such an arrangement, in the form of mutually coupled systems, can contribute to humans' becoming considerably more intelligent, acquiring better social skills, developing a universal management system, being provided with a wide range of language learning opportunities etc. It will pave the way for new educational systems, based on quantum computer science and artificial intelligence. In an electronic model of life, the biological system is understood to be a system composed of piezoelectric and pyroelectric devices, protein semiconductors, nucleic acids and melanin. In this system control is effected through a network of electron, photon, phonon, spin and soliton information channels as well as bioplasma. Each of these channels can in itself be a carrier of information, or they can function collectively as a group in the bioplasma system.